EcoSmart Labs is the first end-to-end solution to help asset managers understand and act on Carbon Risk
TCFD and innovative new Carbon metrics at a glance
Easily understand TCFD and other carbon metrics at the holding or portfolio level to support disclosure obligations, corporate carbon risk measurement, or portfolio level planning. Spend your time understanding and acting on risk - not manually calculating carbon metrics in Excel.

Look into the future with NGFS and custom climate scenarios
With COP 27 behind us, are you wondering what a Divergent Net Zero scenario means for your portfolio? Or want to understand what a Below 2°C scenario means for portfolio emissions and carbon exposure?
With EcoSmart Labs, easily understand carbon risk exposure into the future, under the standard NGFS scenarios or custom scenarios created by you or your risk teams.
Adjust Carbon Risk in existing funds or build new funds from scratch
Easily adjust your holdings and instantly see how your carbon exposure changes in real time. Model changes to weightings, additions or removals and understand the implications for your portfolio. Consider carbon risks when maximizing risk-adjusted returns.
Alternatively, build new portfolios from the ground up, with carbon risk at the center.

Go Carbon neutral or hedge risk with high quality carbon offsets
Once you understand current risk, model future risk under various climate scenarios and adjust the holdings within your portfolio - you may still have more exposure to carbon risk than you would like. With our partners, you can easily buy high-quality carbon offsets to go carbon neutral or hedge portions of your risk.